Obsessed with this backpack and so convenient. I used to carry tote bags and I had a lot of heavy dog essentials. I was tired of carrying tote bags and needed a perfect dog backpack. I came across MavPack through Instagram and heard such amazing reviews. I had to purchase it and it’s been a game changer. Everything that I was looking for because it has the perfect amount of space where i can carry her toys, treats, long line and my daily essentials. As someone who doesn’t have a car and uses transit transportation to get to places with my dog this bag is a must. I carry a lot of things with me everywhere I go and this bag is now my daily go to backpack. Also love how it comes with a water bottle, collapsible bowl, food storage, so many amazing features in this bag. And very easy to clean, I have a dog who likes to drool on my bags when I get the treats out and it’s super easy to clean. Perfect for any type of weather because it’s so easy to clean. This backpack truly is perfect and will be using this backpack for so many adventures!!