In 2018, James and I both felt like there was a dog-shaped hole in our family. Our cat Bailey was purrrfect, but we had both grown up with dogs and we were in a place where we finally had the space for one. Honestly, I was so desperate for a dog I would “kidnap” our friend’s dogs for hikes and walks and puppy cuddles. So we knew it was definitely time.
We had both volunteered at our local animal shelter in college, and we felt like that was a good place to start. James went in one weekend while I was traveling, and he walked up and down the aisles trying to find a perfect match for us. He was almost through and was about to give up for the day, and he decided to go up one more row. At the very end of the row, in the back of her kennel sat Rebel, calmly watching and waiting for attention while all the other dogs lost their minds. As James walked up, she slowly approached and started wagging her whole body as he bent down to say hi. He took her out to the play area and fell instantly in love. He brought me back a couple days later, and I fell in love with her too. She was the sweetest girl from the moment we met her, and that has never changed. She’s the perfect for our family. She loves to lay on our laps and play with Bailey (he chases her because she’s a bit of a softie).
Rescuing Rebel was the best decision we ever made.