
I am a grad student and have always grown up with dogs but finally was in a place where I could have my own. I have some allergies though so I knew I wanted a doodle, but couldn’t afford one from a breeder. So to the internet I went! I searched shelters, doodle rescues, Facebook, and even Craigslist! I applied to so many but was always denied. Finally a woman posted about Winston, she was 2 hours away in Ohio and told me he was 6 months old and healthy. I FaceTimed her and figured out the details. Finally on March 6, 2021 I drove to her house and was greeted by a shaggy and crazy puppy. He was pretty good on the car ride home until the last 20 mins where he pooped AND threw up. Once home, I quickly learned he was actually 10 months old, not 6 months, had no vaccines, was full of matts, felt extremely skinny, and had an upset stomach. We got to the vet asap and found out he had giardia and was 20 pounds underweight! We started him on his vaccines, medicine, and put him on puppy food (he had always eaten adult dog food and was living with another dog). After 4 months we finally had all our shots, no more Giardia, got groomed, and gained weight! The change in his behavior was night and day! He was so happy and healthy and everyday on walks we worked on his reactivity (he was reactive to everything! People, bikes, dogs, cars, motorcycles, runners) and leash work. Today, he is 3 years old, and still has a little reactivity but has worlds of improvement from where we started. We go on hikes and visit Pittsburgh doggy bakery/ ice cream shop. He’s my absolute soul dog and my best friend. I couldn’t imagine grad school without him.